Marwood Parish Council

We're here as Parish Councillors to help support the community and keep people connected in Marwood, Devon. We usually meet on the first Thursday of the month, except August when there is no meeting.  All the contact details of the Parish Councillors are listed below and on the notice boards. You can also use the  CONTACT US THROUGH THIS WEBSITE IF YOU NEED OR CAN OFFER HELP.


ICY ROADS IN MARWOOD - A reminder that Cllr David Chugg has a supply of SALT if needed - see contact details below


Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer


Marwood Parish Council is currently looking for a Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer.

Number of hours: 15 hrs per month (flexible schedule).

Salary will depend on Qualifications and experience.

Start Date: is negotiable but early in the New Year would be ideal.

         Marwood is a rural parish with a population of about 1100. There are 9 Parish Councillors who meet bi-monthly in Guineaford  at 7.00pm (winter) 7.30 pm (Summer) in the Methodist Church Hall. The successful candidate will need to work from home

         The Clerk will be responsible for managing the day to day business of the Council, including the production of the agenda/minutes for all Council meetings, liaising with outside bodies as well as implementing Council decisions. The Clerk/RFO will also be responsible for all the financial transactions and records of the Council and the administration of its finances.

We are seeking someone with confidence, interpersonal and communication skills to deal with a wide range of people.

          Prior experience of local government or committee work would be beneficial.


To apply, please email your CV and a covering letter, including contact details, to Geoff Dwyer, the acting Clerk at

A full job description and Person Specification are available from the Acting Clerk on request.


Closing Date for applications is Saturday 14th December 2024


MARWOOD PARISH COUNCIL  Dated 18th November, 2024

Co-option to fill a Councillor vacancy following the resignation of Councillor Karen Down.

Being a Councillor is not time consuming (bi-monthly meetings) but it is an important way of getting local voices heard.

The criteria for co-option are …

(i) be a local government elector of the parish, or

(ii) have during the whole of the twelve months preceding the day on which he/she is nominated as a candidate occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the parish; or

(iii) his/her principal or only place of work in the twelve months preceding the day on which he/she is nominated as a candidate have been in the area of the parish; or

(iv) have resided either in the parish or within 3 miles thereof during the whole of the 12 months preceding the day on which he/she is nominated as a candidate.


The address to which the application should be sent by the 14th December is  …

Geoff Dwyer, Acting Clerk to Marwood Parish Council

The Old Stores, 24 Pilton St, Pilton, Barnstaple, EX31 1PJ

Or email                                   Closing date is 14th December 2024




The start time of meetings will be either 19.00 or 19.30 depending on the time of year. The Chairman has authority to call additional meetings if there are urgent matters to discuss. The Clerk will continue to keep Members informed during the interim months.

Note: not in Standing Orders. Copies of Agendas/Minutes and interim reports will be sent to Marwood Matters for inclusion on the website.  All public notices will be displayed on the Council notice boards.

     The next two meetings are scheduled for the 24th October and 19th December 2024


Minutes of the Meeting of Marwood Parish Council held on the 24th October 2024 in the Marwood Methodist Church Hall Guineaford


Cllr C Latham (Chairman), Cllr D Chugg (Vice Chairman), Cllr A Bend Cllr A Harvey-Bryant, Cllr D Hunt, Cllr N Plumb, Cllr C Wallis


G Dwyer (Temporary Clerk)

5334 Apologies for Absence

County Councillor Davis, District Councillor J Hunt

5335 Public Question Time

There were no members of the public present

5336 Minutes of the Meeting held on the 29th August 2024

RESOLVED that the minutes as previously circulated be approved

5337 Report of the County Councillor

There was no report

5338Questions to the County Councillor

There were no questions

5339 Report of the District Councillor

There was no report

5340 Questions to the District Councillor

There were no questions

5341 Report of the Police Service

There was no report

A Councillor questioned the possibility of obtaining the Police newsletter on a routine basis. RESOLVED the Clerk to arrange for this to happen.

5342 Correspondence

The following correspondence had been circulated but it had not been possible to open the attachment.

·    North Devon Weekly information sheet (2)

·    DALC bulletin (2)

·    North Devon Council grants and community news

·    Community Lottery update

·    2024/2025 financial projection

5343 Finance Matters

·    The following invoices were agreed for payment North Devon Council (£1010.76) C Wallis Invoices 52 and 53 (£456) G Dwyer (£250) Poppy Appeal (£20)

·    The Clerk advised Members that the existing bank mandate needed updating and after discussion as to the options available it was RESOLVED to continue with the present ‘two signatures’ on a cheque system rather than investigate an ‘on-line’ solution.

·    Members considered the expenditure projection to end 2024/2025 prepared by the Clerk who emphasised it was his estimate based on previous years’ expenditure and it should be used as an aid to discussion when considering the precept for 2025/2026. In particular members noted the projected estimated balance at the end of the financial year. After discussion it was RESOLVED that the preliminary precept for 2025/2026 should be set at £9400


5344 Planning Applications

There were none considered at Committee. PLANNING Application 79170 Northleigh Marwood, Barnstaple Devon EX31 had been dealt with by email consultation     

5345 Councillors Reports

Parish Footpaths.

Routine maintenance

5246 Ongoing Matters

There were none

5347 Urgent Business

      There was none

5349 Confidential business

The Chairman moved that in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public are temporarily excluded and they be instructed to withdraw.


The meeting closed 8.30 pm


Chairman:                                        Dated:…………………..




and Planning

A MESSAGE FOR ALL HOUSEHOLDERS - If you have flooding to your  property please report it on the emergency number as it will go straight through to the contractor for a call out - Highway emergency number; 0345 155 1004 

 Planning Matters to be considered particularly by neighbours and the Parish Council. Please go to

 put in the application number and click on the webpage for further details. 



(You have to agree to the Copyright Notice under the Documents tab if you want to see documents - then you can download them)

Reporting Highways Issues

 Please ring: 0345 155 1004 or email

Live chat is available on the Highways website Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm and 9:00am - 4:30pm on Friday. 

To report a problem with road maintenance, traffic management and parking, streetlights and signs and public rights of way please use the Highways website.



The Charity was established over 120 years ago with a mandate to "provide grants of money to the poor and destitute living in the Parish of Marwood".

     Over the years the Trustees have continued to uphold this mandate; for example in 1967 eighteen residents received five shillings (25p) and in recent years financial grants have been made to provide household equipment.

     Due to the continual social change and the increase in Government Social Welfare Payments there has been a reduction in the number of applicants. The reasons for applying for grants has also changed none more so than in the current financial situation.

      The Charity has a small annual income from the lease of 7.5 acres of land in Marwood and this year we are offering a small number of Tesco vouchers to buy food etc. before Christmas. If you feel you meet the criteria and wish to apply, or know someone you think is eligible, (and have their consent) please contact the Trustees via email on

Parish Councillors

 Cllr Colin Latham (Chairman)

Higher Stowford Farm

Hore Down Gate EX34 8PH

01271 269824 

Cllr Adrian Bend

Rowan Cottage

Muddiford  EX31 4HH

 07732 264372


Cllr Richard Berry

Honeywell Farm

Muddiford EX31 4HS

01271 85039292






Cllr David Chugg (Vice Chairman)

Kalbari House,

Kingsheanton,  EX31 4ED

07774 750923




Cllr Andrew Harvey-Bryant

North Warcombe Farm,

Lee EX34 8LR

 Cllr Christopher Wallis

Woodgate  Cottage

Milltown EX31 4HG

07977 512778


 Cllr David Hunt

Woodside, m

Middle Marwood EXEX£! 4EG

07984 581120


Cllr Nicholas Plumb

The Cottage

Middle Marwood EX31 4EG

07588 158210


Temporary Clerk to the Council - 


Geoff Dwyer 

 Cllr Mrs Andrea Davis

Devon County Councillor

Southwinds  Cottage

Kentisbury EX31 4NH

 07786  868038

Cllr Julie Hunt

North Devon District Councillor


Middle Marwood EX31 4EG

07909 772458


Useful links

  Selaine Saxby, our local MP, has up to date details of changes the Government has made to help deal with the coronavirus on her Website

North Devon Council Links  Click on this link for information and/or sign up for emails giving you the latest news.



Devon and Cornwall Police have pulled together responses to some of the more commonly asked questions.